The cathedral is the largest Orthodox church in Riga. After having survived the Soviet era as a planetarium and restaurant, the church was renovated and rebuilt into a sacred building, where regular Orthodox worship services take place. The Cathedral is a symbol of architecture and stability that is visited by everyone who is looking for peace and security. Although the cathedral was able to conquer both world wars, it was closed in the early 1960s. The cross was sawn off, the bells removed and melted, the church itself converted into a planetarium and titled with the official name "House of Knowledge". In one of the side rooms was a cafe, which was called "God’s ear" in the popularly known. The renovation of the cathedral began at the end of the nineties of the 20th century. On 6 May 2000, the new iconostasis of the cathedral was consecrated by Archbishop Alexander. The restoration has not yet been completed, it is being continued.